A Very Special Olympics PSA

Showing a darker side for a brighter future.
 World of Neglect 
“World Of Neglect” is a PSA, narrated by actor, Julianne Moore that reminds its audience that, while we’ve made strides elevating, supporting, and protecting the intellectually disabled community, there’s still much work to be done. Lookalike has a 25 year relationship with the Special Olympics, producing short films for the Summer and Winter Special Olympic World Games. Also, Lisa & Nancy conducted the last interview with its founder, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

 “Almost 30 years ago I had the good fortune to meet Lisa and Nancy. Over the years, I've had numerous opportunities to witness their passion, creativity and expertise as filmmakers. Their powerful storytelling talent has had enormous impact on how people perceive people with intellectual disabilities around the world, by bringing to life the individual stories, struggles and triumphs of dozens of Special Olympics athletes. The award-winning Lookalike team has contributed greatly to building a more inclusive and accepting world for us all to live in and celebrate. ”

—Peter Wheeler, CEO Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019

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